And beat the Clifton Sausage without breaking into a sweat! Prosecco was a cheeky, little number with enough fizz to add sparkle to the dullest, dreariest of evenings. One for the great restaurant guide I may write one day. I'd arranged to meet my good friend Amanda after work. The problem is I can never remember where I left Clifton. I know round about where it is but never visit regularly enough to know exactly how to get there. It appears Amanda was as confused as I am. It's a wonder we both found each other but find each other we did and trotted happily along to Prosecco's for an Italian taste-bud-tingling adventure. We certainly weren't disappointed. The food was delicious, so much so that we didn't even realise that there was no one else in the restaurant. It's not that the food is bad either, we were there just after 6pm so the real devotees were arriving as we left at 8pm. I had the roasted figs with dolcelatte and parma ham to start. The figs were warm and very ripe. The parma ham was very thin, sweet and delicious. And the dolcelatte just added that bit of perkiness to the dish. This appetizer left me craving for my main course which was pappardelle with shredded roast duck in thyme sauce. I was looking forward to this dish which it turns out, is more like a flavoursome meat sauce on pasta and tasted delicious. A much better alternative to Bolognese! Amanda had the crab ravioli in saffron sauce, which was also yummy. I had room for desert of a white chocolate slightly frozen, creamy mousse thing with a lovely sauce, followed of course by a cappuccino.. now all I want is to go to Venice.. ;-)
1 comment:
We must do it again! Did you see the restaurant on Gordon Ramsay's 'F-Word' this week? Axx
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