Saturday 1 January 2011

Have a happy ONE!

ONE,ONE,ONE ONE definitely sounds like the day for new beginnings! There's so much that is special about the number ONE. Did you ever meet a ONE year old that wasn't as cute as a button? If you're in a new relationship your friends will say "Is he the ONE?". I love ONE because it suggests a start of something. Number ONE on a list is always my favourite number. Whoever felt good coming 2nd? I spent enough sports days coming 4th or "last" to appreciate how great it would feel to come 1st, just once! I can accept that I'll never be 1st or win any medals for my sporting prowess. I have had many other 1sts that I'm very proud of and happy about.
Today, on the 1st day of a new decade, I'm thinking about what I want to achieve in 2011. I may be a 2nd child but I have 1st child mentality. I am motivated by change so a new decade is a great place to start thinking about what I love about my life and what I'd like to change.
What do you want to change? What's number ONE on your wishlist of things you'd like to achieve in 2011? Setting goals is a much better idea than making a New Year Resolution. So many people want to give up something up at the start of a new year. I say, take something up (very Ginger!) & add a new experience to your reportoire for 2011.

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