Thursday 14 January 2010

The expression...

"I think my head is going to explode!" will never sound the same again. It's not one of my stock phrases but just occasionally when I'm on free fall and my fingers are typing and multi-tasking faster than my brain can keep up, I think... "ITMHIGT...EXPLODE!'
Here's a question... do you ever get vhmoozed and swayed by others? In my willingness to be more accommodating, less selfish and try new things that other people might like, I was persuaded to go and see a new film last night. Oh blimey, it was so not for me! I try to do my homework before I go to watch a movie. I always do my homework before I do anything, if I have the time. Whether I'm choosing a hotel, a restaurant or a holiday, I do my research. Saves the disappointment of being in the wrong place and feeling uncomfortable. And of course realising that I could have avoided that feeling if I'd bothered.

Given that I'd watched the trailer to this film, I just thought it was an action, thriller and would be worth seeing. The action bit of it was! But I was tricked, conned and doh.. Lisa read out the times and titles yesterday afternoon. The movie needed to be at the end of the day and timed to fit in between work and a meal. There was a list of four and we both decided on 'Daybreakers' because the trailer had been interesting and exciting. I balanced the thought that it was going to include vampires with what I'd seen. Oh how wrong could I be?!
I'm so not into horror, never have been, never will be. I don't do that big action, killing machine thing either because I do have a tendency to recall and remember images that I've seen. I'm sure everyone does and it might explain why some people just can't sleep at night.
I don't subject my brain to horror, gore, violent or spooky images. What I don't see can't hurt me is my theory. I sat with my fingers over my face and squirmed at the squelching noises. All I could see at one point was Lisa tittering away as she jumped at yet another heart-stopping moment. The story line was without doubt, interesting and the lead, Ethan Hawke, was excellent in his role as the researcher, turned human. It was edgy, exciting at times but it just wasn't my kind of film. Very futuristic until the funny part at the end where they drive off into the sunset... it should have been sponsored by Blood Donors! Lesson learnt.. trailers only reflect the good bits, doh!
On a good note, me & Lisa went onto the Chinese, had a fab meal and ended up in the Wine Bar. I'm thankfully not scared by my experience but laughed it off and slept like a baby so no ill effects there either.. ;)

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