1) car doors frozen so can't get in for a start.. grrr!
2) fantastic... the glass scraper from Lisa's shower comes in very handy for getting the snow off my car.. !
3) turning the car around on an icy road ain't much fun.. !
4) having an aston martin sports car pull out before me on the main road wasn't part of the plan. If you have to follow a car on icy roads, make sure it's a battered, old one.. !
5) no windscreen washers because it is minus 7..!
6) seeing two cars in the ditch on the way to the motorway doesn't fill me with confidence ;(
7) phew.. the motorway is quite clear so off I go..
8) it's positively tropical in my car so I've stripped off and it's time to try my windscreen washers again... if you've done this before, I can hear you shouting... nooooooooooooooooooo!
9) too late! There's now a big splat of ice on my windscreen so I am having to peer around it... ! Thankfully, the tropical conditions inside the car melts the ice quite quickly, though now it's so sunny that the glare from the snow is making it hard for me to see - is it time to put on my shades?!
10) a big barrier says they've closed the road to the car park by the office.. doh!
11) I'll go around the back and try to scale the icy hill into the car park..
12) phew.. made it.. big adrenalin rush having succeeded in making it into work.. how smug do I feel!
Happy faces ;-) ;-) ;-) I can't wait for 5pm so I can do it all over again in reverse.. this time in the dark.. woo hoo!
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