Wednesday 13 January 2010

What are you learning that's new this week...?

This week I am learning to share nicely! This sharing lark has made me think. Sometimes I am like a child. I think I know best, but I don’t. I can hear that little voice in my head saying ‘Just go with the flow’ when the other voice is saying ‘But I don’t want to!’ Spending as much time as I have done this past week with someone else means I have to curb my single, selfish tendencies. Yes, I’m not denying it, they are selfish, though not intentially so. Of course, making decisions for one is always easier than for one plus one. I wonder... is this a test for what's to come in 2010?!

I am used to coming and going whenever I please. Watching tv whenever I choose and making a whole load of other decisions with only me in mind. This week, I am learning to be more considerate and calmer because other people do sometimes know better than I do! Not all the time… just some of the time.

Lisa is an organized person. She plans things, which is something I don’t usually do. I love having nothing planned in my diary. It’s like having lots of fresh air to breathe rather than feeling like I’m stuck in a lift! I think it’s because I don’t need to have things going on in my life all the time. I enjoy making my own decisions and absolutely love changing my mind! If I have nothing planned, it means I can be impulsive. That is something you definitely can’t do if your diary is packed out with events.

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