Thursday 14 February 2008

just call me bridget!

I'm sitting herewith my glass of kia and eating cheesecake to celebrate Valentines Singles Night! Spent the evening deleting all those luvly 'Too busy for luve' and 6000000001 ways to say 'I love you' emails... ! Don't get me wrong... I got 1 text and 1 very pink card today...

1 pink card in my letterbox this morning.. how exciting. I couldn't wait and opened it and guess what... it's an RSVP for my birthday party from one of my neighbours Delia & Barney! So yes, it's true, Barney, or Bumble bee, whatever his name is... is sending me pink envelopes on Valentines day... fantastic!

So tonight when I received a text to say 'Happy Valentine Mademoiselle x'... my first thought was 'GREAT'... my second was 'Smart Alec!' because it's from an unknown number! That's what happens when you lose your phone and can't replace your numbers...! I don't know whether his name is ALEC or AMY! Perhaps I've acquired a foreign admirer? Perhaps the emphasis is on the 'MAD'moiselle... oh made me smile!

Got back from LA yesterday afternoon.. and just did a big fat whole full cream day in the brissol office today.. sweet x

1 comment:

sharon said...

rofl..this post made me chuckle, I swear down, I think our postie was hyjacked yesterday, I had my card already from Linz..was I expecting a trolley load of shiny red envelopes through my letterbox???..who knows, nearest I got was a leaflet for windows and

Lovely pics btw.x