Monday 30 March 2009

My new best friend.. KW...

It's the best fun I've had in ages and it's quickly becoming my new best friend. Affectionately known to me as KW and not to be confused in any way, shape or form with the cute & adorable KN. I take my new best friend with me everywhere because as they say, knowledge is power. In my case, that is a fact. Take my hot water - night is day and day is night. Two switches that look the same but are marked up wrong - Doh. I'm not one to watch the clock but I admit to being glued to 'my owl' as the numbers roll back and forth. Those big bad storage heaters are greedy KiloWatt eaters - whilst my trendy Christmas lights (yes, I know it's almost April but they're pretty!) are just a tiny blip on the screen. In an age when everyone wants to get a badge for being the best eco-warrier. Where the new black is green and a carrier bag is more precious than a gucci bag, energy saving is the only way forward. Hence the reason for my close encounter with my new best friend. It's time for bed KW but only if you know the right buttons to press! ;-) x

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