Monday 30 March 2009

A new phenomenon... ?

In my fabulous rose-tinted, fantasy world where hamsters run in wheels to generate electricity and big fat spiders patrol the skirting boards to keep guard, a new phenomenon has occurred. With my owl in hand I watch, listen and wait to see what effect switching on my dishwasher has on my new electric meter. None, zero, nought, nothing! 5 minutes pass. My most favourite appliance is whirring and a-swishing with nothing registering on my meter. I am struck by a blinding light - no, I haven't stepped on a live wire! I come to the conclusion that my dishwasher is being powered by the zillions of gallons of water that hurtle down the slip-way which means.... it's FREE@! My precious, sparkly, diamond clean cups and plates are being cleaned by the very water those dirty ducks have swam in, Ugh! Then the blinding light goes out and I'm left pondering in the dark. It would be good to have at least one appliance in my home that didn't feel the need to absorb all the kilowatts the national grid generated. If only trees could photo-whatsername and create electricity, instead of just standing there looking as dense as a chunk of wood. If clouds could rain down hot water instead of that freezing cold stuff then we could collect it in buckets and wash for free. As I rub the eyes, I wipe the mist from my rose-tinted spectacles and I can see that my meter has rocketed and my new phenomenon is just a hot water pipe dream! Makes a mad March story tho.. x

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