Monday 14 February 2011

What did you do on Sunday night?

I was in the Marrs Bar and before you giggling smarty pants ask, no.. it's not an edible snack covered in chocolate! It's a bar in Worcester where I was enjoying young Brit singer songwriters, Ben Montague and Leddra Chapman who are just starting out on another UK tour.

Both have managed to get onto the coveted radio 2 playlists and 100% deserve to be there. They have tremendous voices, brilliant lyrics and personalities to match. Not shy of the audience, which in this case was definitely intimate, the two young stars separately sang through their amazing reportoire of songs dropping in a few cover versions to give a thoroughly enjoyable night. From an X-factor fan, this kind of talent is way off the scale in terms of what the tv programme can produce. Both Ben and Leddra write and perform their own songs.
Leddra is 21, Ben is 28 and both are exceptionally gifted and have worked hard to be where they are today. Ever appreciative of the audience, they were entertaining and I didn't want the evening to end. That's not something I can say about every gig I go to!
Leddra wins hands down for beauty and uniqueness. Ben gets my vote for having such a brilliant personality, being fun and that's why I bought his album, which I got him to sign for me along with a photo, of course.

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