Monday 9 May 2011

How lucky am I?

Here's the view from my window this evening. For weeks, I've watched a single swan that has appeared only very occasionally on the lake. I thought he was a loner and I felt quite sad that this year he didn't appear to have a mate :(
 So imagine my delight when I arrived home this evening to see two gorgeous swans sitting on the grass beside the lake. I was so happy.
 Then I spied.... Cygnets under mum's wing.. not one, not two.. but eight gorgeously fluffy cygnets.
 I watched as they hid under mum's protective wing keeping warm until dad said it was time to go...
 They fluffed up their feathers...
 And slipped into the water still hudding as close to mum as they could get... an Amazing sight :)

So what's the bad news..? I should keep away from anything stuffed! I avoid stuffing because it's obviously got breadcrumbs in it. Well apparently, as I found out this evening, ravioli, which is stuffed pasta also has breadcrumbs in it! Grrr. And I'd bought it especially... 2 x Grrrr.
Tonight my pasta was minus the filling but after my wonderful discovery, I really didn't mind. On a day like today I feel so privileged to live here. It's such a special place. I love the view from my window XX XX

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