Monday 2 May 2011

Happy Monday morning...

I could get used to a 4 day week! It's so lovely to have Monday off. Today, May 2nd, is yet another super bank holiday so I'm off to Chelts very soon to celebrate in style. I'll be out celebrating the jazz festival and enjoying a day of sun and lazy jazz, with a lunch date with my lovely friend Lisa as the delicious filling in my jazz sandwich.
Here's my history lesson for the day... did you know,"St Lubbock's Days" began as early as 1871? What... I hear you say? Bank holidays were first recognised in an Act of Parliament by Sir John Lubbock (great name!), who it was said was so keen on cricket that he chose dates when village matches were played in his home county.
Our Bank holidays date back to the Victorians who considered them very special 'red letter days' when you could have a free day out of your everyday routine. May Day is a new addition to this pool of joy having been added as late as 1971. It's now under threat so enjoy it because it may be our last May Day Bank holiday.
Our politicians, who should have better things to do, are planning to vote to cancel our May Day holiday and give us a day off to celebrate either St George's Day in April or St Trafalgar Day in October. As someone who really appreciates the break from everyday routine, I believe they should vote for change - please can I have all 3?
I work so hard on the days that I am at work that a Bank holiday and long weekend is truly a thing of joy. It's comes like a life-enhancing big breath of fresh air within my hectic diary. Does it mean I do less work? Of course not, me and my lovely team have been pounding the keys this weekend. But in my head, it feels different. It's a choice and you know how I feel about those. It feels like I'm being given something back in return for all the hard work I put in. It's more 'me-time' and that's a very nice feeling to wake up to on a Monday morning :)
Perhaps we should have the first of every month off as holiday? This year I will have 1st Jan, 1st March, 1st October and 1st May off anyway, woo hoo. Mmm, now I am getting carried away. Time to go and enjoy my jazz sandwich xx xx

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