Monday 23 May 2011

Goodbye bird

He wasn't exactly the most energetic or talkative of characters but he was my bird and I'll miss him. There's a big space in my hall where his cage used to be. I know he was always chucking seed onto the carpet but he liked my toast and was always chirpy. It's not a great way to go - falling off one's perch but he had had a good life.
He arrived in our family following a long line of birdie friends. First bird was the budgie, then we had two canaries; when they all pegged it I decided to go for something bigger and more robust - and that's when 'bird' arrived. It was meant to be one of my children's pets but over a period of years, the children moved out and that just left me and 'bird'. He began his liking for toast in recent years. Though there was a certain guest who wasn't aware that I was making toast for my 'bird' and ate it! He was like a 'guard-bird' really, screeching instead of barking whenever he heard someone at the door. He was generally quite quiet and well behaved. It was only when visitors arrived or I was on the phone that he started to make noises. I guess it was the sound of voices that made him want to join in. When he was younger he used to screech at the tv and allsorts but he stopped doing that when I moved to where I am now. I think he felt calmer and had the birds and the ducks for company - not in my flat I hasten to add!
I remember when I first decided to move to the Cheltenham area that I contemplated leaving him behind. I asked the man at the pet shop if he could find a good home for him. I was worried that as I was renting I might not be able to have a 'pet'. I remember going into the pet shop one day and the guy, looking very pleased said, "I've found someone who'd like your Cockatiel. She's an old lady and would like the company" I was torn because much as I like keeping old ladies happy, I couldn't part with my bird. I felt I would be leaving behind one of my family and as the rest of the family weren't coming with me, 'bird' was somehow symbolic in a 'birdie' friend kinda way. I was so fond of having him around that I had to tell the pet shop owner that I'd changed my mind. 'Bird' was coming on an adventure with me.
And so when the van came and I packed up all my worldly goods, I was given a choice. Sleep in the old house (on the floor) or drive down to Cheltenham and sleep in the new barn (on the floor!). So packed up to the gunnels with 'bird' in his cage on the front seat, I drove down to the barn. Me and 'bird' dropped in to pick up the keys and decided that we had nothing to eat and not knowing which direction was closest for the supermarket, I started to drive - the wrong way! We ended up in Pershore, which was totally the wrong place to be. I remember leaving 'bird' in the supermarket car park whilst I went into get something to eat. I came out about 10 minutes later and he was screeching his head off. The guy who collected the trollies was keeping him amused - or perhaps that's why 'bird' was making a noise because he was an odd looking fella!
So me and 'bird' spent our first night in the rented barn and it felt like home. I slept on a camp bed, he slept on his perch and we felt good to be starting a new life together. That was almost seven and a half years ago! We've moved once more since then and again, he sat in the front of my car for the whole journey. So you see, he's has had a good - no, a great life. He's felt safe, secure, happy and loved - that's all we can all wish for in the end :) xx xx

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